
On Behalf of CCMCWS , I heartily welcome you all. Our group is associated with many reputed and high-profile
UGC-DEC-AICTE Universities of India.
The World today reflects the cataclysmic environment in which we live. New challenges that leaders across the stream are facing include standards of corporate social responsibility, sustainable development, resource and energy efficiency, coming of universal social mores and culture and emerging markets. The leader of tomorrow has to work within a context that extends far beyond the classic conventional concepts to consider and foretell the jigsaw of relationships across society, nature, technology, culture etc.
Our Mission is to establish itslef in the Academic Map of the state in particular and in the country as the whole in the field of Higher Education. In doing so, will trace upon enhancement of the quality of research, introduction of subjects which have got a global signal and adaptation of latest technology and fruitful academic collabaration.
I look forward to welcome you All to our Institute
Dr. Rahul Vishnoi